法國古樂團Alla Francesca
1.Dance: Nota (instr.)
2.Lai No. 17: D'Amours vient mon chant et mon plour
3.Lai "de victoire", No. 15: Après chou que je vi victoire
4.Estampie (instr.)
5.Lai "Voir disant", No. 8: Tant me sui de dire teüs
6.Dance: Tant me sui de dire teüs (instr.)
7.Lai du "Boire pesant", No. 16: La u jou fui dedens la mer
8.Lai No. 6: Sans cuer sui et sans cuer remain (instr.)
9.Lai "mortel", No. 1: Ja fi canchonettes et lais
10.Lai No. 9: D'Amours viennent li dous penser
11.Lai No. 10: A toi, roi Artus, qui signeur
12.Lai No. 9: Folie n'est pas vaselage
13.Rotta (instr.)
14.Lai No. 5: En morant de si douche mort
15.Lamento de Tristan (instr.)
16.Lai No. 2: Il solaus luist et clers et biaus
17.Lai du chèvrefeuille (instr.)
Alla Francesca:Brigitte Lesne (voice, harpe), Emmanuel Vistorky (voice), Pierre Hamon (flutes, cornamuse), Vivabiancaluna Biffi (vielle), Michaël Grébil (cittern, gittern), Birgit Goris (vielle), Bruno Caillat (tambourines)
David Munrow - The Art of the Recorder - Instruments of the Middle Ages
[1]-[34] The David Munrow recorder Consort
David Munrow, John Turner, David Pugsley, Alan Lumsden, Andrew van der Beck
The Early Music Consort of London
Simon Standage (baroque violin), Eleanor Sloan (baroque violin), Oliver Brookes (rebec, bass viol, violone, baroque cello), Jane Ryan (bass viol), Elizabeth Page (bass viol, baroque treble recorder), Robert Spencer (chitarrone), James Tyler (lute, citole, renaissance tenor recorder), Christopher Hogwood (organ, harpsichord), David Corkhill (percussion)] & Norma Burrowes (soprano), James Bowman (countertenor), Martyn Hill (tenor), Robert Lloyd (bass)
[35]-[70] The Early Music Consort of London
David Munrow (oriental shawm, reed pipe, bagpipes, bladder pipes, flute, six-hole pipe, double pipes, pipe & tabor, alto recorder, alto gemshorn, alto shawm), James Tyler (tambourine, bladder pipes, jew's harp, tenor recorder, lute, mandora, long-necked lute, citole), Christopher Hogwood (tabor, portative organ, positive organ, hurdy-gurdy, fretted clavichord, harp, David Corkhill (nakers, tambourin, mediaeval triangle with rings, tabor, dulcimer), Alan Lumsden (medieval trumpet, cowhorn, slide trumpet), Eleanor Sloan (lyre, treble rebec, fiddle), Oliver Brookes (tenor recorder, bass rebec, tromba marina, bowed lyre), Gillian Reid (chimes bells, harp with "bray" pins, psaltery), Michael Laird (clarion, buisine, mediaeval cornett), Iaan Wilson (buisine), Mary Remnant (gittern), John Turner (panpipes)
David Munrow, dir.
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